Revenue Stream Durability
Products across this organization were siloed based on business units and individual “jobs to be done”; not based on the customer experience with products - both from consumer & revenue experiences.
Teams were incentivized by shipping, not by solving foundational challenges.
Catalyzed a new way of thinking within this organization - looking for opportunities within teams to collaborate and cross-pollinate research & product needs
Recommendations on product areas actioned by product team in 2019/2020
Provided baseline insights for 2020 organization-wide initiative to unite revenue & purpose
Solution & Benefit
Led design sprints & research to understand the problem space and confirm core hypotheses to building a unified experience.
Catalyzed new behaviors across teams to consider more collaboration opportunities across business units.
Led research initiatives for Design Sprint (+ onboarding & project management for vendor)
Led foundational research to confirm core hypotheses
Research representative in stakeholder buy-in conversations & presentations
SME for other teams as they began to adopt principles
Step 1: Design Sprint
Brings cross-functional constraint-free thinking to a holistic customer experience, rather than incremental innovation to our existing tools.
Core question: “How might we build a unified experience that is tailored to individual needs?”
The focus of the sprint targeted a key opportunity within the critical user journey - onboarding and the initial user experience with a customized and modular dashboard.
Prototype concepts were tested with users that fit key segments.
Iteration sprint enabled deeper dive into specific user type to build a more granular experience.
Step 2: Understand existing insights
Based on the scope of what could be incorporated into the unified experience - reviewed 40+ documents to understand:
Existing user groups (advertisers, influencers, journalists & publishers)
Existing workflows through the content creation lifecycle
Identify knowledge gaps (groups/workflows) to conduct additional research with:
Step 3: Resolve knowledge gaps
Semi structured interviews with 10 influencers/creators & 10 publishers to understand:
Current workflow for content creation, management & measurement
Pain points within their experiences in content
Synthesis of data & mapping using affinity analysis to organically find insights.
Step 4: POV Creation & Recommendation
Provided a strong point of view & recommendations on how to move forward:
More detailed workflow steps to build clarity
Recommendations on areas of focus in the workflows
Twitter product opportunities
Created presentations to craft a story around key themes from research to build excitement, engagement & alignment.
Step 5: Buy in and adoption
Bring other key stakeholder groups (e.g. product, engineering) along the journey to understand key actions and opportunity for change
Identified ‘quick win’ opportunities to start changing culture to prove hypotheses
Identified and brought on champions throughout the organization to begin to leverage principles